Earth Women Retreat, Sept. 2023

from DKK 4,500.00

A Retreat for Women, connecting to all we are.
7th-10th of September 2023, the Isle of Møn
The retreat will be in taught in English
Guest Teacher, Claudia Balara on Cyclical Wisdom

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A 4-day immersion into our female bodies, connecting to nature and our inherent wisdom. We will reconnect to the feminine, to who we are and what we have.

This is happening:

  • Knowing your female nervous System

  • Nature connection (Mini vision quest)

  • Sauna and swim in the sea

  • Cyclical Wisdom and Menstruation

  • Rituals and daily life practice

  • Fire Ceremony

  • Yoga Nidra

  • Breathwork

  • Yoni Steam

This weekend will provide you with access to and learning the language of your nervous system, a practice that regulates and let us stand stronger in the fast-paced society we are a part of. Breathwork and movement will support us in connecting to our body and stored stories.

Give you an understanding of your menstrual cycle and how to navigate it. My dear friend Claudia will join us and teach cyclical wisdom. Claudia has studied with Red School in the UK and is a beautiful sister. If you have come into menopause, feel welcome anyway. We will use the moon as our guide for the inner seasons.

We will also spend a lot of time in nature, connect to the earth, and do a mini-vision quest in the woods.

We will sit quietly, move wildly, breathe, smile, laugh, listen and be, and share some tears and hugs. Release and manifest around the fire in the ceremony, and move into the nights with guided yoga Nidra, into the deep layers of rest.

The retreat will take place in our retreat place at the Isle of Møn in Denmark. Close to the sea and the forest we have turned an old village school into a place for gathering, connection and learning.

We will serve organic locally produced nurturing food, and drink loads of herbs that support our female hormones and nervous system.

We recommend that you leave your phone on silent the whole weekend, or even better, leave it at home. 

Our lovely host Madelyn will be able to take calls from family etc. if you feel more safe knowing people can reach you in case of emergency.

Bring practical clothes that can be used for sitting in nature and take the smell of fire.

If you have any food allergies, let us know.

When booked, there´s no refund. But you are welcome to sell your space to another sister.

If you need to pay over 2 or 3 times, let us know. We will find a solution.

Bring a tent and sleep in the garden, or book a bed in the house.

Are you travelling from abroad, please let us know, there will be a pick up in Copenhagen Airport on thursday midday. And a drop off sunday early evening.



16.00-17.00 Welcome, check-in.

17.00 Gathering, tea, and meditation.

18.30 Dinner

20.00 Yoni steam & Embrace your female body and the stories it carries.


7.15 Herbal cleansing tea and swim in the sea (optional)

8.00 Morning breathwork and movement

9.00 Breakfast

10.30 Our nervous system and soft breathwork

13.00 Lunch

15.00 Mini Vision Quest in the woods.

18.30 Dinner

20.00 Breathwork followed by sauna with herbs and oils.


7.15 Herbal cleansing tea and swim in the sea (optional)

8.00 Morning breathwork and movement

9.00 Breakfast

10.30 Cyclical wisdom - Claudia Balara

13.00 Lunch

15.00 More Cyclical wisdom - Claudia Balara

17.00 Break and Free time

18.30 Dinner

20.00 Sleep and Rest and Yoga Nidra


7.15 Herbal cleansing tea and swim in the sea (optional)

8.00 Morning breathwork and movement

9.00 Breakfast

10.00 Creativity, rituals, and preparing for the fire ceremony.

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Fire Ceremony

16.00 Goodbye

(The program might change slightly)

Looking forward to spending this time with you,

Love Johanne